This is an RPG text-based game with a storyline centered around a couple separated by war, leading to a rescue mission. The story develops along different narrative paths based on detailed clues. We present a well-designed interface through animations and developed the game using Visual Basic.
I、Main screen:
Functions: The main screen has two buttons, including a Start button and an Exit button. Clicking the Start button will take you to the chapter selection screen, while clicking the Exit button will exit the game.
II、Chapter Selection
Functions: The chapter selection screen includes the following four buttons: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (to be added later), and Return. Clicking the Chapter 1 button will take you to the Chapter 1 story game, and other chapters follow the same logic. Clicking the Return button will take you back to the main screen.
III、Game Screen
The main content will be presented as a story that must follow a sequence and cannot be skipped. Characters will interact through animations.
IV、Choice Screen
Functions: By clicking button options, users can view the corresponding storyline developments.
IIV、Puzzle Game Screen
Functions: By solving puzzle games (for example, guessing a number in Chapter 2, with a maximum of 5 attempts), users can progress through the levels, leading to different storyline outcomes.